Sunday, 30 October 2016

Indonesian Grammar : Chapter 1 Pronounciation


Bahasa Indonesia or Indonesian language is a group of Austronesia lingua,this group has sub family for example language of Malaysia,language of Sumatra and language of Philippine,so those languages have similar grammar,resemble between Italian,spain,Portuguese and france.

Before portuguese colonization,people of Indonesia use their ethnic alphabet,but after the european entered Indonesia,the people step by step change their alphabet into latin alphabet,because the european bring the latin alphabet and teach it to native people. Usage of latin alphabet in Indonesia is influence by european colonization and still use until right now,today the ethnic alphabet is very rare and young generation do not use and do not learn ancient alphabet anymore.

In Bahasa Indonesia there is no plural form,no tenses,no conjugation,and no article. For some European tourist,Bahasa Indonesia is an easy language,like a spain,what is pronounce is what you read. In Bahasa Indonesia,those are so much dialect depend of ethnic,some people sometimes use Bahasa Indonesia in unformal form,but in office or for speaking to stranger,they use Bahasa Indonesia in formal form. Now i only teach Bahasa Indonesia in formal form only.

In Bahasa Indonesia itself,there is more 30 % of verb adoptive from foreign language,like : Arabic, India, Japan, Chinese, Dutch, Spain, even English. So vocabulary of Bahasa Indonesia is easier and faster to memorise.

Chapter 1 : Pronounciation
- Pengucapan –

A : a                                                                            
Like you pronounce : umbrella                                   

B : be                                                                          
Like pronounce  : brown                                             

C : ce                                                                          
Like you pronounce : cell                                 

D : de                                                                         
Like you pronounce : drum                                        

E : e                                                                           
Like you pronounce : rent                                          

E : eu                                                                          
Like you pronounce :  earth                                        

F : ef                                                                           
Like you pronounce : fish                                           

G : ge                                                                         
Like you pronounce : get                                           

H : Ha                                                                         
Like you pronounce : hunt                                         

I : iy                                                                             
Like you pronounce : introvert                                  

J : je                                                                             
Like you pronounce : Just                                         

K : ka                                                                         
Like you pronounce : corrosive                                 

L : el                                                                            
Like you pronounce : let                                             

M : em
Like you pronounce : men

N : en
Like you pronounce : number

O : o
Like you pronounce : or 

P : pe
Like you pronounce : pen

Q : kiu
Like you pronounce : quantum

R : er
Like you pronounce : rest

S : es
Like you pronounce : stomach

T : te
Like you pronounce : ten

U : u
Like you pronounce : sue

V : ve
Like you pronounce : verdict

W : we
Like you pronounce : west

X : eks
Like you pronounce : extreme 

Y : ye
Like you pronounce : yes

Z : zet
Like you pronounce : zebra

Ng : eng
Like you pronounce : writing

Ny : enye
Like you pronounce : senyorita

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