Thursday, 27 October 2016

Ritual : Satu Suro

Satu suro is one of oldest ritual specially in center Java,satu suro is celebration of javenese new year. The javenese calender is using hinduism calender,but when the sultan has convict to islam,he changes the calender system into islamic calender but heritage the ancient ritual as a divers culture must go on.

He decides to celebrate satu suro in date 1 muharram every year,now every people celebrate after sunset because the new year of Java is begin from night until morning. Those are rituals that is done by common people in central Java :

Kumkum is soaking all body into a river,or a spring.

Ritual that purpose to remove bad fate or removing bad luck of someone caused by sin in the past,ruwatan is begin by played puppet shadow.

Kirab kebo bule
Bring and take an albino buffalo around city,that is symbol of prosperity. It is a sacred animal,this buffalo was kept by royal palace of Surakarta city.

Ngumbah keris
That's mean clean the keris,they clean the weapon as a symbol of purification.

Lek lekan
People do not sleep all one night,their activity are chatting,or eating with neighborhood.

Is ritual of meditation,people do it to clean up the mind and find tranquilite.

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